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Reviews » Pioneer long distance

The company is based in Portland, ME and has been an active phone service provider in the US since 1989, being one of the oldest smaller companies to provide low cost 1+ long distance and other related services such as toll free or calling cards. Like most other providers displayed on this website Pioneer is able to offer such affordable rates as a result of automating some of their operations (such as the online signup process) and keeping advertising costs down. One particularity of their plans is the lower rate charged for calling other Pioneer customers.

We recommend this company for their longevity on the telecom market, good rates and generally good attitude towards customers. Also, one other thing to consider is that Pioneer haven't raised long distance rates since 1989!

Service highlights:


Choose between 2.7 and 3.25 cents per minute interstate rate for Tier A areas; calls to other Pioneer customers are just 1.9 cents/min.

Billing increments

1 minute for the 2.7 plan and 6 second for the 3.25 plan.

Other fees

99 cents monthly fee for usage under $15; if you choose Online Billing there are no fees regardless of usage.

Toll free service

Available, same rates apply; 99 cents monthly fee per toll free number.

Additional services available

Calling card, billed on the same account.

Pioneer customer reviews